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Dr Wongburger Are You Saying I Dont Know Dick

*The scene starts in the living room and the Louds are watching TV, as their parents are out for the day.*

Lincoln: So, what practice you guys wanna sentry?

Lynn: I don't know.

Lori: Don't allow information technology be anything dorky, twerp.

Lucy: Anything that features darkness.

Lincoln: Okay? Let'south just wait around and see what's on.*Equally they search through the TV, they find the intro of a bear witness is starting*

Lola: Wait, what's this?

Schooly D: My name is...!

Lana: Is that a milkshake?!

Lori: Wait a minute, I know this show!

Luna: Yous practice?

Lori: Yep! Information technology'due south a show that focuses on a milkshake, a box of fries and a meatball. The Show itself is called "Aqua Teen Hunger Strength".

Lola: Actually? What a foreign name.

Leni: Can we watch it?

Lori: No! I don't think the little ones will handle an adult cartoon!

Lola: We heard that and we're watching it!

Lori: But-, just-! Fine! We'll watch it, but we're watching it censored!

Lynn: No way!

Lori: Yeah!

Lynn: No!

Lori: Yes!

Lynn: No!

Lincoln: Guys! Can we just watch this prove?!

Lori: Fine! Permit's but watch it and encounter what it's like.

Lola: Could y'all at to the lowest degree tell us who the characters are?

Lori: OK, the box of fries is Frylock, the giant milkshake is Master Milkshake, the meatball is chosen Meatwad and they live next to a grumpy neighbour, named Carl.

Luna: Alright then, let's scout this evidence!

*The scene starts with Carl, Meatwad and Frylock carrying a very large soda out of a  restaurant* Lincoln: I never knew they made sodas that big earlier. Meatwad: Come on back.

Frylock: OK, step, in that location's a step-

Carl: I'thousand losing my grip here!

Frylock: Step down.

Carl: Where do you desire information technology? Where do you want it? Where practice you want it?!

Frylock: Why don't you lookout where your going?!

*they put the drink down and Shake comes out with a hand truck that was suppose to carry the soda*

Shake: Whew! Was that affair heavy?

Luna: You didn't even assist them out with the soda!

Lana: This is the first episode we've seen of this show, and I don't exactly know where to stand on it

Everyone else: Neither do u.s.a..

Lily: Poo poo!

Frylock: Damn it, Shake! Did you have to order the super sized trough?!

Shake: Heugh! Hydration is essential. *Drinks soda* oh that's so adept *

Drinks soda* And I need 85-

*Shake drinks the soda while the others stare at him in a awkward silence*

Lynn: Human being, this scene really makes me thirty.

Luna: Me too.

Milkshake: -Gallons *smacks lips* of soda per twenty-four hour period and plus-*continues to drink soda* It comes with an edible hand truck! *eats a tire* The tires are chocolate!

Anybody: Lucky.

Meatwad: Hey ya'll await at this, just rip it and win!*rips the bottom and his potable spills out* Lily: Poo poo.

Lincoln: I know, Lily. They should have finish their drinks before they rip information technology.

Lori: What's the large deal? You washed the same affair when you lot rip the bottom of your soda. Frylock: Oh, what'd ya win, Meatwad?

Meatwad: 20 cents of my next Wasabi Fries, alright! You lot meet, they make full the chips with wasabi sauce through hot tubs of meat...

Frylock: I know Meatwad, I know I saw the ad besides.

Meatwad: And they good.

Frylock: Yeah, I'm sure they're not.

Lori: Ugh! Wasabi fries?! Why would anyone make that?!

Lincoln: People accept weird tastes in food, Lori.

Meatwad: Exercise your's rip it and win.

*Shake dump the soda and rip the bottom of information technology.*

Milkshake: 20 cents of the adjacent Wasabi fries!

Lana: What'south Wasabi? I merely realized information technology. Lisa: A  constitute of the Brassicaceae f amily which includes cabbages , horseradish, and mustard.

Lana: What?

Lisa: A Japanese plant.

Lana: Oh.

Meatwad: Run into what you win Carl.

Carl: *Rips the bottom and reads* Uh, tonight you will get you dick ripped off. *The Louds look shocked by this while Frylock Milk shake and Meatwad stare at him* That doesn't sound right, does it? Hither read this.*hands it to Frylock*

Lana: What's a dick? Lori: Uhhh, *starts to blush along with everyone else*

Luna: It's a, uh...

Leni: It's that thing that's, uh, oh boy, how are we to explain this

Luan: Can we just stop 'dicking' around and tell her already?*Luan laughs while anybody groans*

Lynn: It's that matter in Lincoln's pants! Lana: Can I run across?

Lincoln: NO!!! Lana: Why can't I see?!

Lincoln: Why do you want to see it?!

Lana: Considering I've never seen it before!

Lincoln: Tin can we just get back to Aqua Teen?!

Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan and Lynn: Aye!

*the scene has changed to the Wong Burger commercial* Commercial: Just catch the bottom of the cup, rip it, and win. Prizes include a new machine or a discount on teriyaki fries. At wong burger, when it's correct, it's wong.


Carl: Right there, right in that location.
Did you hear that?

Meatwad: Oh, yeah.

About them teriyaki fries?

Carl: No, no, no, no, no.

The--the--the--the la--the final role, the depression, fast part. Rewind. Go back.

Meatwad: We ain't got no tivo, so.

Chief Shake: That was alive, Carl.

*Everyone laugh at that scene* Lincoln: Oh my god! That scene-, that scene was probably ane of the funniest things I've seen!

Lucy: I don't take feelings, but that scene did give me some joy.

Lori: I know that this is adult humor and we shouldn't be watching this, but that was hilarious!

Milkshake: This is gilded.*everyone simply sits in awkward silence as they wait* Alright, let's go. Roll information technology. Meatwad: Just catch the bottom of the cup, rip it, and win. Prizes include a new car or a discount on teriyaki chips. At wong burger, when it'due south right, information technology's wong.
Somecustomersmaygettheirdicksripped off.

Carl: I frickin' knew he said that! I knew he said that!

Meatwad: What? About the teriyaki fries?

Leni: Meatwad, is like so my favorite character.

:D (Big Grin)

Luna: I can see why- *interrupted past the sound of a horn* *the truck approaches*

Frylock: Oh, my--Carl, hide.

Carl: I own't hidin' from nobody.
Who is it?

[knock on door]

Frylock: I don't know, but they got precipitous hooks and long necklaces made out of dicks.

Lola: Eww.

Lana: And so THAT'S what a dick looks like.

Carl: Uh, okay just to exist safe I- I'm gonna hide downward here. Lori: I told you we should accept watch the censored version.

Lynn: No style! Nosotros agree to see the uncensored version. Lori: Fine.

Meatwad: Carl, in hither! No ane will always look in here!*opens door* Don't wanna know why anyone would wanna become nearly hither

Lola: What is that?!

Leni: That'due south, like, absolutely disgusting! Lucy: Icky and terrifying. I similar it :) (Smile)

Carl: You, uh, y'all sure about this? Meatwad: Oh, just do it. *Shake push button Carl in but the cupboard spit Carl out*

Carl: Aah!

Meatwad laughed: Whoops! My bad.

Frylock: I told you lot this closet's not to exist opened.
It is a horrible, horrible place in there.

Meatwad: Well, there's knob there.

Frylock: Why do y'all recollect I put the sign at that place? You think I was being cute?

Meatwad: I don't know.

*doorbell ringing*


Ding-dong the dick is dead, Carl!

Carl: Oh.

I'g gonna go in--i'm in this cabinet. Luan: Darn it, Shake! Y'all stole that line from me!

Lori: You were literally nigh to say that?

Luan: Yeah, but I never managed to say it!

Lincoln: I recall information technology's best that you didn't. Frylock: Ahem. Can I help you lot?

Rice Mascot: Yeah, you can!

[asian music playing]

Frylock: Uh, yous're from Wong'due south, aren't you?

Rice Mascot: Yep, I am.

So who's gonna get their dick ripped off tonight?

*Broke the T.V.*

Lincoln: Can't people just say genitals or ding-a-lings?

Lori: The globe doesn't human action like that, Lincoln.

Meatwad: Well he ain't here.

Rice: So who's not here?

Meatwad: Carl. The guy that it ain't happening to.

Luna: Meatwad! Lincoln: Welp. There goes Carl's manhood. Rice: And then someone won. Frylock: I don't even know what y'all're talking about. Nobody won annihilation here.

Rice: Heed if I expect around? [crash]

Frylock: Yes, I practice listen.

*Rices search the whole house*

Rice: Oh.

Scratch off and win. Every cup's a winner! One in three chances of getting your dick ripped off.

Frylock: Dude, look.
Yous're wasting your time because no 1 won that.

Rice: Oh.
Well, that's non what he said. Who won it, little homo? 'Cause someone'due south dick is coming with me tonight!

*The Loud's were spooked past that line*

Lori: That line was very... disturbing.

Lana: Well, what are they going to tell- Shake : Adjacent door, and SHUT UP!

Frylock : Shake!

Master Shake : I'M TRYIN' TO Sentry THIS Prove, Volition You SHUT THE HELL UP?! GOD!

Lana: Dang it, Shake! *The Rice men leave*

Lynn: Well it worked.

Frylock: Adieu! Lori: And then, what happens now? Frylock: Carl, come up on out.

Carl: Are they gone?

Frylock: Yeah, to your firm. Their gonna turn information technology within out Carl until he gets a hold of your dick. Shake: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, hey! He's over here! Where'd yous go?

Frylock: Would y'all shut upward?

Lola: I want him to dice.

Lincoln: I don't think that whenever a character dies in this show, Lola, that they stay dead.

Lola: Oh...

Frylock: Apparently, Carl, when you bought that medium drink, you lot entered a binding contract that enables them to rip off your dick.

Carl: Oh no.

Frylock: Yes, and there's actually nothing I can practice most it. Lynn: You lot can move out of that country until the heat dies down. Lisa: I don't recollect it works that way, Lynn. Lynn: Oh. Rice: Hello?

??????????: Did you become the dick nonetheless?

Rice: We're working on it Mr. Wongburger.

Leni: Who was tha-*cut off as the adjacent scene they saw horrified them* Mr. Wongburger: Finally tonight, I volition have enough dicks to complete the dickship and return to dick planet.

Rice: Aye Mr.
Wong Burger.

*Everyone felt disturbed*

Lori: That was...utterly horrifying.

Luna: It'due south probably more horrifying for Lincoln.

Lincoln: Oh ya think?! I'k enjoying the episode but I find it very disturbing. Maybe we should picket some other 1 after this.

Lori: Well, why the heck non. This is the only episode we've seen. Maybe if we see another one we can detect something enjoyable from it. I mean I like it now.

Anybody else: Agreed!

Lily: Poo poo!

Carl: How are we gonna get outta this fry-human?

Frylock: Well I have an idea simply it's not a very good one...

Mr. Wongburger: Those dicks volition you please, somebody stack them better! Rice Mascot : The dicks won't hold, Mr. Wongburger!

Rice Mascot #ii : We're gonna have to these upwards with something. Perchance with like, a dick.

Mr. Wong Burger : Are you telling me that I don't know dick? If anybody knows how to build a transport out of dicks it is me!

Rice Mascots : Yes Mr. Wong Burger.

Mr. Wong Burger : Cause I am King Dick!

*Lincoln laughed* Luan: I will admit, that was funny.

Rice Mascot: We're missing a dick for the nosecone! Mr. Wongburger: The dick transport will never hold together. What's taking them so long? He entered a bounden legal contract the moment he took a sip.

Rice: Yous don't recollect they're Dicking around over there, practice you?

Luan: *laughing* I should use that line.

Mr Wongburger: I uncertainty it their professional dick hunters. They crave dick. Every bit nosotros all do.

Luna: That was a wickedly strange line...

Frylock: You can get up at present Carl, I think nosotros're washed. Carl: Oh, man.

Frylock: Feel all correct?

Carl: Where'd you get these painkillers? They're crawly.

Lori: OH! MY! GOD!

Frylock: Aye.
Maybe you should just, like, use pills forever. *The Louds are in shock as to what beholds them. On the Tv Carl was a female and NOT the pretty kind!*

Carl: Yeah, your right. This was a, uh, very bad idea.

Lori: YOU Call up?! Milk shake : [to Carl]  Hey Carlina! Wow.

Carl : Oh yeah I go it. You knock me out, dress me like a woman and and so take pictures of me. Laughs on me huh?

Frylock : Well, no Carl, come across heh.. uh.. y'all're not just dressed like a woman.

*The louds laughed*

Carl : Oh practise keep please.

Frylock : Well, it'due south pretty simple really. I removed your dick then no one volition have no need to remove information technology.

Carl : [Carl'south crotch begins to bleed]  And so the behemothic claret stain is uh... is that me having my catamenia I estimate? He he.

Frylock : Could exist. Or it could be but the spot where I snipped your dick off.

: You're taking this pretty proficient Carl. Kudos. Carl: Seems like this whole affair kinda defeats the purpose, you lot know?

Frylock: Yep, and what I but did was a very bad idea.

Carl: Ya think, uh, peradventure I could, uh, accept my dick back? Oh, wait. You know what? Maybe yous should keep my dick. And then you could, uh, HUMP YOURSELF! *Everyone laughed* Shake: Technically, that would non exist, uh, doing yourself. Merely for the record. Luan: *chuckles* Meatwad: Hey Carl, wait at that. Well you tin can however pick your dick outta the garbage. Carl: Is that information technology? Is that mine? Of course information technology is. Information technology's got that curve to the left. *Rice took it and drove off*

Carl: No, no, no! Why'd yous let them take it?

Frylock: Hang on, hang on, hang on.

I take a amend plan. Meatwad, you got a large dick, right?

Meatwad: Oh, yeah.

Huge, simply I need it for this evening. Lana: Simply he's mad out of meat. He doesn't take one. Frylock: But information technology'southward detachable so that helps us.

Shake: No! No way I'1000 having a dick made of hamburger! Frylock: I'chiliad not giving it to you lot. Shake: Expert, cause I don't need it because I'k HUGE between the legs!

Meatwad: Who wants to run across my dick?

Lincoln: Meatwad, please don't show united states your- Oh!*The Louds, Aqua Teens and Carl are shocked to find Meatwad doesn't have an actual dick but modeled himself to look like Abraham Lincoln, but thought information technology was Richard "Catchy Dick" Nixon*Meet? Dick Nixon. Ol' Tricky Dick.

Luna: That'south not Nixon, Meatwad... Leni: I thought that was him. Lori: Leni, THIS is what Richard Nixon looks like.*Show her a picture of Richard Nixon on her phone*

Leni: Oh.

Frylock: I accept another Thought

Rice Mascot: All the dicks are polished, Sir. Mr. Wong Burger : Probably needs a couple more dick rotors... Maybe a dick wheel or ii.

Rice Mascot : Yes, Mr. Wong Burger.

Mr. Wong Burger : And, uuhhh, do we accept to fill it upward with some dicks.

Rice Mascot : Yes, nosotros gotta full tank of dicks !

Mr. Wong Burger : Full tank, skilful, proficient, good. Wall to wall dick carpeting?

Rice Mascot : Yep, you've mentioned that. Mr. Wongburger. Shake: Ah, dicks!*Frylock: Shake!* Everywhere I plough information technology'south dicks! Lincoln: Yous tin say that again. Wong Burger: Intruders! Finish them!

Rice Mascot: Close the dickgate!

*The dick gate is closed simply around thirty dicks simply drop, not even in the shape of a door*

Luna: That'due south it? Mr. Wong Burger : What are you doing touching my dicks?

Frylock : You lot can't but go running around ripping off other people'south dicks, to make a giant dick ship.

Mr. Wong Burger : I accept an advance degree in dick-nology!

Frylock : You're a mad man Wong Burger this thing will never fly!

Mr. Wong Burger : Then how else am I suppose to get dwelling house?

Frylock : Call someone to pick you lot up.

Mr. Wong Burger : ...I will.

Lola: What just happen?

Lynn: I don't know.

Shake: Hey, how are yous gonna know which i is Carl's?

Frylock: It don't matter just get one.

Shake: Yous grab one! I'one thousand not touching those dicks! Frylock: Hopefully the swelling in your chest should go down, 1 the testosterone fully circulates effectually your torso. Carl: Ohh. What about my vocalism?

Frylock: Oh. I added a third testicle to speed up the process. I'll have to cut it out later.
Otherwise, you'd just go insane with rage. *The Louds laugh at this* Shake: Whoa! Check it out, somebody's suing Wongburger! Lola: About Time! Reporter: Wongburger could non be reached for comment equally he left the press conference in a giant spaceship made of dicks, which crashed into a edifice made of dicks. Patently, that's what the edifice was made of if you've ever seen it from the interstate. Conspicuously the human action of a total-*sigh* A full, uh... You know, a, a total- eh, eh, What's the word I'grand looking for hither, uh, eughn, a total, uh, a total...Milkshake: While you guys are busy wasting, I found a perfectly good hot dog in the trash sitting right on elevation of two soggy walnuts. Mm. All the same in the wrapper. I mean, in that location's hair on them, merely, hey, a little brush off. Delicious. Mm. This tastes like blood. Wow! This hot dog. I call back the gum is blood flavored. Wait. Yeah. Definitely blood flavored.

*Anybody was shock at that scene*

Luna: Well, THAT happened.

Lily: *Puke*

Lincoln: Agonizing at sometimes, but comedic and funny, nonetheless.

Lola: Wait, even the credits supervene upon the people's first name with word "dick".

Luan: Well it at least the title fits with the episode.

Lincoln: Well, I may look at some other episode after.

Lori: Yeah, adept mom and dad aren't hither.

Luna: Well, what episode should we lookout side by side?

Lynn: Oh! That 1!

Lincoln: "Universal Remonster"?

Lana: Play it! Play information technology!

Lincoln: Okay! We'll watch Universal Remonster.

*Intro with something dissimilar*

Leni: Wait, where's this?

Steve: Sesh! You call this a holiday?

Dr. Weird: No, I phone call it... TACO Island!

Leni: Hey, permit's go to Taco Island next yr.

Lori: That'south non a real place, Leni

Leni: Awwwwww.

Luna: Shush! The episode is starting.

Shake: Who's laughing now, bowwow?! Piece of crap cable!

Frylock: What are you doing?!

Milk shake: Maintenance. Shut up.

Meatwad: No, no, no. Don't shake it upwards. Let the snow settle. That fashion yous can run across the little San Francisco in in that location.

Leni: I think I tin see information technology!

Lynn: It'southward not really there, Leni.

Leni: Aww.

Shake: Oh come here! let's see if nosotros tin see it together!

Meatwad: OK.

*Shake kicks Meatwad*

Leni: Hey, don't hurt my little Meatwad!

Shake: It's not a snow globe, you lot ignoramus!

Frylock: How many Idiot box'due south have you broken this year?!

Milkshake: A lot more than you take! I'm instruction this object a lesson! If it doesn't want to get hit anymore information technology'll straighten up and flow right. Is that not correct?!

The Loud Kids: NO!

Frylock: That's odd, the connexion on the cable feels fine...

Milk shake: Of course it does, considering it's trying to trick you. You're falling for it, but not me. Look at it. It's laughing at us.

Meatwad: It is laughing at me!

Milk shake: Permit's run across how funny it is when I do this. There she goes. See? Information technology but needed a skillful ass-whooping.

Leni: Are those talking sponges?

Oglethorpe: We have successfully traveled beyond the cross of space and fourth dimension of the Fargate... to get free cable!

Lori: Wait a min- Those ii are stealing their cablevision!

Leni: Who are those sponges?

Lori: Allow me look up the episode...Okay, and then the "sponges" are Plutonians, and the green i'south name is Emory and the orange one is Oglethorpe.

Leni: Ohhhh.

Emory: I think it's a 'Stargate'?

Oglethorpe: It'south theFargate! "F"! It'south different from that film that I've never seen, and so how would I re-create it?

Emory: Arctic, human. It's all right, permit'due south only plough information technology on!'

Oglethorpe: I just want to make sure that we are clear it's the Fargate! "Goes far", get information technology? And there it is no manner it came from that movie, or that syndicated series based on the movie!

Emory: But.... it sure was a good movie.....

Oglethorpe: Yep, yep it was...

Luna: What picture show was that...?

Lisa: It was "Stargate", Luna.

Luna: Oh.

Oglethorpe: Plough on the TV, maybe it's on.

Leni: Maybe information technology'south off.

Lori: It is off, Leni.

Leni: Oh.

Emory: I- I don't have clearance for that.

Oglethorpe: Yeah simply the inner circle of loftier ranking diplomats with a security clearance get to picket the big TV. You look away!

Oglethorpe: Retinal scan on.

*The laser fires his optics off*

EISCH! Damn it! Wrong light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation! Wrong laser! - Why didn't y'all characterization them?

Emory: You lot said don't label them because it was top secret and no one should know.

Lynn: Actually?

Lori: That sounds INCREDIBLY stupid!

Leni: Even I am not dumb enough to do something like that.

Oglethorpe: Well now you lot label them! Where are my eyes?

Emory: I've got them. All correct. It worked.

Oglethorpe: Of course it worked, and information technology's free. Now permit's have some fun watching it. Describe to me the activeness. Does information technology excite your emotions? Is it funny or is it distressing?

Luna: What is this?

Lisa: Puppetry.

Luna: No, what show is information technology?

Lisa: Oh, I don't know

Emory: It's funny if you lot like public television.

Lily: *giggles*

Oglethorpe: Public?! NO! Put my eyes in and then that I might throw my brow und limited the acrimony that I am feeling!*Eyes are put back in merely the left eye wasn't fully functional for 3 seconds*Now change unt channel!

Emory: Well, that's like the ane thing we can't do... But it's gratuitous! And that'due south absurd, correct?

Lori: I guess so.

Oglethorpe: Get me the Universal Remonster!

Emory: Um, nosotros're nevertheless-uh, we're still beta-testing that.

Oglethorpe: What you lot're testing is me and my patience. Get him out here now.

*The door opens revealing the Universal Remonster*

Leni: Aww, he's so cute!

Oglethorpe: Is this what you call a Remonster? Where are his claws and his fangs? He must have behemothic feet and thirst for blood! And now you've ruined my vision!

Leni: At that place's nothing wrong. He'southward adorable.:D (Big Grin)

Emory: Yeah... What if nosotros simply, um- What if we simply telephone call him the "Universal ReMOBOT"? I mean it'due south-, information technology is a robot.

Oglethorpe: But Remonster is his name, it's branding!

Emory: This whole monster kinda thing feels a petty tacked on, actually.

Oglethorpe: I mean, the T-shirts say "Universal Remonster", non "Universal Piece of Crap", like you say!

Emory: Oh, wow, yous fabricated T-shirts! That'southward cool.

Oglethorpe: Yeah, let me go become yous ane!

Emory: Wow, is that a Powerpuff Girl or something?

Oglethorpe: No! Can you not see? She has a mohawk and a wheelchair! Nosotros are NOT getting sued! Where's the Universal Remonster? I desire him to have a baby-T and a visor!

Emory: Oh, man.... I think he went through the Starga-

Oglethorpe: It is aFARGATE! From the makers of Findependence Day! Nosotros will requite it a mohawk and a wheelchair if y'all need help!

Oglethorpe: And tell the Remonster to exercise our behest!

Emory: Well, he's-uh, He'south gone.

Oglethorpe: Do our bidding, little Remonster! Hello? Everything, this is all digital.

Boob: Lean to your left.

Meatwad: OK.

Puppet: Lean to your right.

Meatwad: Correct!

Puppet: Lean to your left.

Meatwad: O- Over here?

Puppet: Nu-uh, that's your correct.

Meatwad: Oh, damn it! OK.

Boob: Lean to your right

Meatwad: What virtually hither?

Puppet: Hey you got information technology correct!

Meatwad: Alright, skilful.

*Lily was doing what the puppet said too every bit she giggles*

Lincoln: You seem to like what that puppet was doing, huh Lily?

Lily: Poo poo!

Frylock: OK, Meatwad that's skilful.

Meatwad: I never get tired of hearing that

Frylock:(floating well-nigh the TV chair) At present what'southward this over hither?(gestures on the right side) Meatwad: That's a chair.

Frylock: No, I hateful is it left, or is it correct?

Meatwad: Well,it'due south a chair, and it's right over at that place!

Frylock: Think back to your vocal. The vocal, call up?

Meatwad: What song?

*Channel changes for no reason*

Frylock: What the hell?

Meatwad: Ah, oh picket this, Darla's well-nigh to tell Carlos she got breast cancer. Hang on.

*Channel change again*

Meatwad: Hang on. Look. Watch this. He needs this for the champio- Expect, this is bowling. Don't scout this.

*Channel changes *

Frylock: Wha- Well why does it continue changing channels?

Meatwad: It don't matter I watch annihilation that'south on there. Oh, wait, look at this here. This dude's gonna squeeze that boy 'til blood comes out of his eyes.*It happens but the Louds, not even Lily, are terrified by it. Except Leni* Oh, damn! Did you come across that? That's a mature situation.

*Leni comprehend her eyes*

Leni: Is it over?

Frylock: Well you ain't watching this.*turns TV off*

Lucy: I want to see it.

Lola: Of course you have to see it.

Meatwad: Wait, what, what?! What are you doing?! Go back!

Shake: Aye, and turn it upwards to, all the way! *TV turns back on*

Meatwad: All right. At that place you go.

Frylock: Well, uh, I didn't do it.

Shake: And then finish taking credit for it.

Frylock: Let me just test something. *turns TV off again*

Meatwad: Hey!

Milkshake: Woah, woah!

*T.Five. turns on once again*

Shake: All right. Good to go.

*Frylock turn off the T.V.*

Shake and Meatwad: What are you doing?!

Shake: Will y'all knock it off!

Lori: This is literally getting abrasive.

*TV turns on*

Meatwad: There we become!

Shake: You are not to bear upon any button on that ever again! Yeah, that's right, you go over in that location. DON'T Affect THAT PLUG!

*Frylock unplug the T.Five.*

Shake: What am I a mirage?!

Meatwad: Hey, what'southward that thing?

*Universal Remonster plugs TV back in*

Frylock: What?! So y'all've been the one controlling the TV!

Lisa: Mmmm...this gives me an thought.

Lori: Don't even think about information technology, Lisa.

Milk shake: Yes, crusade he's got good taste.

Meatwad: And he'southward a cutey too.

Leni: I totally hold with you Meatwad.

Milk shake: Now you're gonna go back to 37 correct? Cause they got the all day blood buffet going on.

Frylock: I don't think Meatwad needs to exist watching that.

Shake: What are you kidding? Babies aren't scared of this. Bring me a baby, I'll prove it.

Lily: Poo poo.

Lincoln: Your non scared of this Lily?

*Lily nods her head*

Lola: But, it would scare you if it was realistic, correct?

*Lily nods once again*


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