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Room 101 the Big Payback Connecticut Huesos Review

big payback

Sitting hither in the Gar-cave watching my NE Patriots play the Chiefs. I reached into the humidor and pulled out a Room 101 Big Payback 6×60 Hueso. In case you did not know, the discussion Hueso translates in Castilian to "bone", simply more of import to this article, information technology translates to Cocksucker in the urban lexicon. Yous may ask why do I bring this up; because in that location is an interesting back story to the Room 101 Big Payback. There are three vitolas to the Big Payback line of cigars. Each 1 has been given a special name:

  • five×50 Robusto is named Chavala which translates to " Pussy "
  • 6×60 Gordo is named Hueso which translates to " Cocksucker "
  • 7×70 Gordo is namedCulero which translates to " Asshole "

At outset I found it strange that Room 101 would name their Big Payback line with such vulgar names and I was thinking almost who this payback is really aimed at. Certainly non united states of america the loyal consumer. Then I did some research and noted another interesting fact about The Big Payback – how they are packaged.

  • The Chavala comes  fifty to a box
  • The Hueso comes l to a box
  • The Culero comes 30 to box.

Once more you lot may ask why I bring this fact up. Well if you would look at the Aviary xiii line, which came out 2 years before the Big Payback you lot will notice a very interesting correlation. The Aviary 13 comes in the aforementioned sizes and are packaged in the aforementioned box quantity. Both lines are Nicaraguan Puros and they sell for nearly the same toll. So is it possible Room 101 is making a statement to Tom Lazuka of Asylum Cigars and also Christian Eiroa from CLE Cigars, who collaborated with Tom and distributes the Asylum Line?

It is public knowledge that Tom Lazuka was an area sales manager for Davidoff International before leaving to create Asylum. Christian Eiroa was the President of Camacho Cigars before selling the line to Davidoff International in 2008 and branched out to create his company CLE Cigars which now distributes  CLE, Asylum, Edgar Hoill . It seems to me that there is a picayune more friendly competition happening here. But that is simply my view.

Well the Patriots got creamed as I was working through this review, smoking the Hueso, I guess Kansas Urban center got some payback also.

Now lets talk nearly the cigar itself.

The Room 101 Big Payback Hueso is a fauna of a robusto, not as big as the Culero only a big enough size simply the same. It has a chocolate brownish wrapper and is packed tight. At that place is a large vein running down the barrel from the band to the foot. (I only can't get the images of the names of these sticks out of my mind as I pen this review).


I clipped the head with my twin bract just enough to open up information technology upward to draw on it. The pre-low-cal  describe hit me with pepper it actually fabricated me cough a bit equally I was non quite ready that much forepart pepper. I also noticed it was rather heavy in weight which should deliver some long staying power.

Firing information technology up, there was an immediate chocolate and raisin flavor, like a handful of Raisinettes. The draw was not loose and required a footling puffing on it to start it upwardly.  The scent is only wafting chocolate and the dry depict pepper flavour receded into the background. The burn is perfect and for large ring gauge stick, information technology is burning extremely well. Other than the two noticeable thick veins, the wrapper is silky smooth and those veins don't seem to exist interfering with the pleasure at all.

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As it gets past the 1 inch mark the draw opened up a bit and  the Hueso is starting to deliver some mouthfuls of smoke. There is a delectable sugariness finding it's style  deep into the 1st 3rd.  Information technology is almost like a drip here or there of sweetness, teasing my palate for whats to come up. Ending the 1st third, the pes is letting off a odour of  spicy  basics.  I practice like to sniff the burn on the foot every bit I enjoy a stogie as it adds to the overall experience. The calorie-free grey ash is holding tight.

The early sweet tease is coming more than to the forepart of the season profile and the nut odour gives mode to more of a floral smell. In that location is a developing whip cream flavour starting with some fruit undertone and information technology is very clean on the palate. The burn did crave a touch upward around half way. The sweetness is now lip smacking and the flavor dances back to nuts. Other than the one touch upwardly the burn is impeccable. The ash held tight and cruel just before the band line. The flavour continued through the final third edifice upwards to a crescendo of sweetness and a gentle burst of pepper now and and so.


This is a great full flavor smoke and a solid medium body cigar. I have to get myself an Aviary xiii and see who is getting the payback.


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